Cheb city

Cheb city

Near the German border is the ancient town of Cheb. The dominant feature of the historic town is the Cheb Castle, the most important Romanesque monument of the Czech Republic. Brick walls with casemates, which are underground passages that you can visit as part of the exhibition, have been preserved from the Baroque period. The castle also includes the castle chapel of St. Erhard and Ursula, and the castle itself is guarded by the Black Tower, named after the black volcanic tuff from which the tower is built. Lovers of military history can take a look at the exhibition in the bastion, which focuses on a few selected war episodes associated with the town.

The symbol of Cheb is undoubtedly the Spalik Roland Pachelbel House, where Albrecht von Wallenstein was murdered. Other monuments of the town are, for example, the Church of St. Nicholas, the town hall building or the Baroque pilgrimage church of Maria Loreto.