Kladská Nature Trail

Kladská Nature Trail

The Kladská Nature Trail is located in the Kladské Peat National Nature Reserve, which is the largest and oldest nature reserve in the Karlovy Vary Region. Visitors will probably be most familiar with its part of the Slavkovský les Protected Landscape Area. The trail introduces visitors to the history of the Kladská settlement, as well as to the flora and fauna found in the area of the Kladské peat bog and Slavkovský Forest.

The peat bogs began to be created several tens of thousands of years ago by trapping water in pools in some places, which in the Quaternary period became overgrown with water flowers and some species of peat bogs. The vegetation that covers the peat bogs is called bog pine. Among the fauna, you can see the red grouse or the black stork. The local flora is also an ideal home for the Barn Owl, Goshawk or Woodpecker. Among mammals, you can rarely come across the lynx.

The nature reserve trail is 2.3 km long and offers visitors the opportunity to admire the mountain peat bogs located at altitudes of up to 930 m above sea level. In total, there are several peat bogs over an area of 300 ha: Tajga, Paterák, Lysina or Goose Forest.

The trail will take you along a wooden walkway around the Kladský Pond, past the Kladské peat bogs Tajga. The whole trail is built so that you can take a break from time to time or enjoy a beautiful view. Part of the trail is even wheelchair-friendly.