Vysoký kámen Nature Monument

Vysoký kámen Nature Monument

The Vysoký kámen Nature Monument is located on a rocky ridge above the village of Kámen and is part of the Leopoldovy Hamry Nature Park. The site is characterized by its impressive quartzite rocks, which rise above the surrounding forests near the state border with Germany and reach a height of 773 m above sea level. According to legend, a large castle once stood on the High Stone, which was cursed and struck by an earthquake. Supposedly, there are huge treasures hidden in the rocks, guarded by the White Lady, and access to them is only open on Good Friday.

The rock formations look like the ruins of a castle and became a popular destination for day-trippers at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The highest rock formation is the Lookout Rock, which is capped by another rock tower, the Wind Rock. Many different species of rock mosses, lichens and ferns can be found in the area.

At the top of the High Stone there is a landscaped lookout point which offers magnificent panoramic views. Towards the southeast you can see the Slavkovský les with the Lesný and Lysina hills, and to the right in the Český les the Dyleň hill with its tower. To the southwest, you can see the German Smrčiny Mountains and the Háj Hill with a lookout tower, which lies above Aš. To the north are the Krušné hory with Špičák and the highest mountain Klínovec with a lookout tower and a TV transmitter. You can reach Vysoké kamen on foot along the red trail from Luby or Kraslice.